2022's Christmas Bazaar, which funds much of our Mission & Outreach efforts
The Mission and Outreach Commission seeks to be responsible for leading the parish in making the reconciling love of Christ known to those beyond the walls of St. Andrew’s in our community, the diocese, and the world through the gifts of our time, talents, and resources. Its work includes providing support for the Kent Food Bank (including fresh produce from our own Community Garden plot), the creative distribution of St. Andrew’s missions’ monies, including to Episcopal Relief and Development, Greenwoods Counseling Services, and to many other local and regional agencies. Patricia Nordskog is the Chair.
On the fifth Sundays of the months that have them, volunteers from the parish travel to the soup kitchen at Trinity Church in Torrington in order to serve the midday meal and to spend time with those who rely on the soup kitchen. Bob McDowell and Irene Coe coordinate this ministry.
On the fifth Sundays of the months that have them, volunteers from the parish travel to the soup kitchen at Trinity Church in Torrington in order to serve the midday meal and to spend time with those who rely on the soup kitchen. Bob McDowell and Irene Coe coordinate this ministry.