The Mission and Outreach Commission leads the parish in making the reconciling love of Christ known to those beyond the walls of St. Andrew’s through the gifts of our time, talents, and resources. Its work includes providing for the regular delivery of groceries to the Kent Food Bank, various fundraising projects, and the thoughtful and intentional distribution of monies to other international, regional, diocesan, and local agencies.
Patricia Nordskog is the Chair
As Christians, we recognize that it is God’s intention for us always to be open to God’s grace and to grow spiritually throughout our lives via prayer, worship and study. As Anglican Christians we also recognize that it is our duty to bring ourselves and our families to a fuller awareness and appreciation of our Anglican heritage and how it informs our development. The Education Commission offers and directs classes, speakers, study groups and other opportunities to encourage a deeper experience of Christian faith. Jane Farnol coordinates this ministry ![]() PASTORAL CARE
The Pastoral Care Commission expresses and fosters the love Christ teaches us by carrying our spiritual, sacramental and tangible gifts of ministry to those with specific needs. Its work includes providing transportation and meals for parishioners who need such assistance; the distribution of the blessed Sacrament by Lay Eucharistic Ministers to those unable to attend services; and the development of the ministry of “presence” through flower deliveries, visits, calls, notes, etc. by the laity. Kathy Fricker coordinates this ministry ![]() PROPERTY
The Property Commission provides for the careful stewardship of the buildings and grounds that we at St. Andrew’s hold in trust for the wider Church and for future generations of parishioners. This includes the operation, maintenance, and repair of our physical plant, its furnishings, and the surrounding grounds. The commission ensures that the various ministries exercised by our parishioners have appropriate facilities for their needs, while at the same time stewarding our resources for the broader mission of God. Charmian Place is the Chair |
The Music Commission supports and enhances a vigorous music ministry at St. Andrew’s. That ministry includes music not only as an integral part of our worship, but also as a cultural contribution to our community. We are a parish blessed with many talented singers. During worship services, our highly regarded choir, accompanied by the organ, supports enthusiastic singing by the congregation to make a truly joyful noise unto the Lord. Matt Harris is the Chair The concert series, Music in the Nave, brings musicians of all sorts to the parish for concerts that range from student recitals, to cabarets, and to sing-ins of Handel’s oratorio, The Messiah. The Sherman Chamber Ensemble is frequently featured. For more information, see our Music in the Nave page. ![]() FELLOWSHIP
The Fellowship Commission sustains a warm, welcoming environment for those who worship at St. Andrew’s and for our visitors by creating an atmosphere that is both inviting and accessible. Among its responsibilities are the supervision of Sunday morning coffee hour (after the 10:30 service), parish suppers, holiday receptions, and all other social festivities. Nancy O'Dea Wyrick is the Chair ![]() STEWARDSHIP
The Stewardship Commission is charged with making members of the parish aware of financial needs both within and outside of St. Andrew’s and encouraging generous giving to address those needs. During the time of the annual canvass, conducted by the Stewardship Commission, parishioners are reminded that their giving is a return to God of a portion of what they have been given by God. The parish recognizes the importance of fiscal health to support all of St. Andrew’s charitable and spiritual activities, but also encourages generosity of parishioners only to a level that is affordable for them. Lynn Perry is the Chair |